
每 年這個時候,就會柀鄰居給 BOO, 去年番媽腦筋胡亂轉,就先拿了一個老小鬼出來掛,所以就沒柀 Boo到...鄰居看到我們有掛小鬼在外頭,就知道我們柀 Boo 了,他們就不會 BOO 我們..今年我就隨意了..結果..有一天早上,一開門~~~ Boooooooooo~~

這是柀 BOO 的禮物..哈哈哈...裡頭通常會裝些有的沒有的...還會有糖...然後就要快點把裡頭的小鬼頭,掛在外頭明顯處~~

以免別人不知道我們柀 Boo..哈哈...當然裡頭還會有一封恐嚇信..信的內容是這樣的~~

Boo! You have been visited by the ghost of 你家社區名稱!

Now, your part has just begin.........

You are invited to join the fun ! He hehe!

Carefully hang your spooky ghost

From your street l am post,

Proudly display your visiting ghost,

But add to the mystery by not telling a soul,

You'll come to love this mischievous spirit,

Be sure not to delay in doing your bit,

(48hours or less to keep this poltergeist going!)

Make three new phantoms that are spooky to the core

And deliver them to xxx doors!

Along with some Halloween goodies and treats,

There's just one rule, no repeats!(One ghost per home!)

You must be sneaky not to get caught!

This phantom is friendly so fear not!

This mystery will live on

After the fall festivities are long gone....

But never fear,

He will surely return again next year!

當然番媽 在 48 小時內,馬上帶小祖儀去買東西囉...小祖儀還自己做小鬼頭~~~

小祖儀還有模有樣,綁得好仔細....裡頭的 treats 都是她挑的哦....還有兩支可愛的南瓜棒棒糖~~

嘿嘿嘿....想知道小祖儀 Boo 了誰嗎????哈哈哈..不告訴你......說了就不好玩了啦~~~~ 你柀 Boo 了沒~~~~柀 Boo 的感覺得好哦...不過 去 Boo 別人也挺爽的...施比受更有福哩~~~

祝大家柀 Boo 到爽~~~開心快樂趣~~

    創作者 美國番媽 的頭像


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